Flash Fiction: You Ruin Me

The young couple had known each other just over a year. They talked about marriage, but hadn’t yet fixed a date. She was outgoing, keen on contemporary dance, a volunteer for Amnesty International. He was more reserved, a talented photographer, currently unemployed. He often said, if they had a baby, he’d be a stay at home dad.

At first, all you saw was the blood. But then you noticed their foreheads touching, their fingers interlinked. And although they no longer spoke, their words were clear: ‘You kill me. I don’t die. You think you ruin me? You don’t. You never will.’

I normally have no trouble with concentration. I don’t procrastinate, I never get writer’s block. But all of yesterday, I couldn’t do anything. Not even read. In the evening, we had dinner with the neighbours. Very little was said about the events 5000 miles away. There wasn’t much to say. This morning, we went for a five-hour walk, which made me feel better. Still not good, but better. It’s that ‘life goes on’ thing. I had another text drafted for Matt’s Flash Fiction Foray (this week’s song prompt: You Ruin Me) but it seemed futile, so this one takes its place. Futile as well, but at least it connects with something that needs to be expressed, even if, right now, it seems like we have to dig deep to find the conviction. This time, things have changed. The couple in the text (totally imagined) are ordinary – could be anyone. I don’t see fear in the air, but worry. It’s all such a mess. And I don’t trust the politicians to get us out if it.

21 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: You Ruin Me

  1. Curtis, I took your novel with me on my work trip and read it the first night. Mistake! I literaly couldnt put it down and stayed up way too late, into the early hours, to see what would happen. A very gripping pschological thriller, that stays with you after reading — now all i have to do is figure out how to make an amazon review!realied i havent done that before!
    I really enjoyed it, and Im not a thriller fan. Was hooked after the first few pages, I think this book is really well written. Thanks for sending me the copy 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Debbie! To receive such feedback is hugely motivating and gratifying – one’s never quite sure, the doubts are always there, so words like yours are a wonderful boost. Thank you for taking the time to read it and to comment. As for Amazon, I think it’s quite easy, but one does have to have bought something there, not necessarily the item reviewed but anything. So if that’s not the case, don’t worry – I’ll just make a neon light of your comment and stick it on my wall 🙂


  2. People in touch with their emotions and thoughts are shaken by these events. How can one not be? Terrorism is traumatic. Your post emphasises the need for people to come together where love, healing and protection is met in community which becomes more profound and powerful than acts of terrorism. All the best to you my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Tammy. I’ve just read your own words on the topic. I sometimes think words are powerless in the face of such acts, but of course, they’re all that most of us have, and if they can have the tiniest effect, they serve a purpose.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I remember after 911, I was in shock. It was one thing to feel a safety net gone from my marriage but another to feel it with my country. You are right of course, words can only convey where experiences hold a much greater, unspeakable depth. But they are anchors through the process. And a long process of peeling back the layers that is.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. I think you showed what terrorists need to hear. You CAN’T kill love. Hopefully that love will bring the world together over this and the governments will get their acts together and make something happen. It’s only a matter of time until the next one. And only a question of where. You’re right. It’s that lingering worry that eats at all of us… Great post.

    Liked by 2 people

    • The situation touched Utah last night. An Air France plane bound from LA to Charles de Gaulle airport was diverted to Salt Lake International because of a bomb threat. There were 450 passengers on it. Haven’t listened to the news to see what happen.

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